Jesús Potrero Soshi Soke
International Ju-Jutsu Onkochishin Ryu, was created by Jesús Potrero and is registered like Federation the International the 5 of February of 2008, in Austria. Recognized like Ryuha in Japan, the 2 of August of 2008.

Jesús Potrero was born the five of May of 1966 in Baena Province of Córdoba (Andalucía-Spain). With seven years of age, he changes the residence. In 1974 with eight years of age, he began actually of the Martial Arts, until the present time. The 8 of March of 2003, determine their residence to , where it trains a family. The 22 of April of 2004 6° Dan receives the rank, of the World Ju-Jitsu Kobudo Organization and by the Ju-Jitsu Austria Federation, of which he was member Vice-president and of the technical commission. The 2 of August of 2008, obtain the recognition of their school INTERNATIONAL JUJUTSU ONKOCHISHIN RYU, like Ryuha in, and the title of Soshi Soke.